Monday, November 5, 2007

Who thought I would like this?

Daddy and mommy gave me my first bite of rice cereal on Saturday and as you can tell I wasn't quite sure what to think of it. While I didn't spit too much of it back out, I can't say that I actually enjoyed eating it either. Mommy and daddy only gave me a few bites so that I could get used to eating something other than milk. Daddy showed me a couple of times how to eat it and I could tell he didn't like it either! If daddy didn't like it, why did they think I would?

This was also the first time I got to sit in my highchair. I actually like sitting in my highchair. When I was done eating, mommy moved the highchair into the kitchen so I could watch her make dinner. My highchair can recline to three different positions and the height can be adjusted also. This way mommy and daddy can adjust it so that I can always see what is going on around me!


meghan said...

madeline this sounds grose.. i can see why you werent to fond of it! I love you big girl

meghan said...

hope you have fun with grandma and grandpa stahlschmidt this weekend which I could be there love ya tons.. miss u much!!!