Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I'm on the move!

I've been crawling like a champ for the last three weeks. Mommy and daddy are having a hard time keeping up with me. Once I set my sights on something, I am off to the races! I also started pulling myself up to the standing position a few days ago and it's now my favorite thing to do. I like to pull myself up on my purple toy box and reach in and pull out all of my toys! I also pulled myself up in my crib this morning.

We're almost all settled into our new place and I love it! I have so much more room to explore and there is lots of room for all of my toys. I even have a little backyard now!

I have three teeth now, I just got my first one in on top about two weeks ago. Mommy and daddy are still trying to fatten me up, although I went to the doctors last week and I gained 2 pounds in 6 weeks, which made everyone happy. I now weigh 16.9 pounds.

1 comment:

meghan08 said...

madeline ur so cute.. i luv the new pictures you grow so fast I LUV U>...